Estate Planning

In simple terms, estate planning means arranging for the management and distribution of your estate and valuables when you pass away. Estate planning is a chance for you to make decisions about your property while you are still alive, giving you a certain amount of control even after your death. Proper planning can also help you minimize taxes for your heirs.

I handle a wide variety of estate planning matters. I advise people like you about gaining the maximum legal benefits while carrying out individual personal wishes. Contact me, attorney Michelle Abrams, by calling (702)369-3724 today. I can help you understand if you need an estate plan in the first place and how to create one that truly meets your needs.

You can also learn more about specific areas here:

Powers Of Attorney

Power of attorney refers to the authority to act on behalf of another person. When it comes to health care matters, a power of attorney document will give a person you trust the authority to make health care decisions on your behalf. This trusted person could be a spouse, close friend or family member. Powers of attorney:

  • Make it easy to choose an agent to act on your behalf
  • Can be personalized to specify the powers you want to grant the agent
  • Are state-specific


Living trusts are trusts that are operational even while you are still alive. A third party, the trustee, holds the property in trust for the benefit of a beneficiary or multiple beneficiaries. A living trust will ensure seamless trust administration and help avoid unnecessary litigation during the transfer of property.

Let me assist you with all types of trust-related concerns, including administration and litigation.


I can help you create a last will and testament, clearly outlining how you would like your assets and property to be divided upon your death. Don’t leave your family wondering. Make your wishes clear.